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Past Honours Students



Madison Baker - 

Lucah Martindale - Looking at heavy metal sorption in marine microplastic over time.


Danielle Giuretis - A comparison of microplastic pollution in coastal environments discharged by stormwater drains and rivers.

Janani Perera - From ocean to plate: identifying microplastics in seafood supply chains.


Rhiannon Van Eck - Combatting seafood fraud: investigating elemental and isotopic natural tags in hard tissues to identify seafood provenance.


Lizzie Doyle - An investigation into the trophic transfer of microplastics in coastal systems of South Australia.

Josephine Lingard - Investigating the potential use of shark teeth as natural tags.

Ashleigh Sharrad - Molecular identification of threatened shark species in South Australia's flake industry. #Food Control Vol 148, Article 109606.


Ben D'Antonio - Connect the dots - The use of photographic identification to describe the population demographics of whale sharks off the coastal waters of Eastern Indonesia.


Molly Altschwager - Response of fish communities to a new artificial oyster reef.

Sophie Dolling - Developing a method to detect chemical tracers from plastics in seafood.

William (Bill) Goh - Population structure analysis of a coastal fish over heterogenous nursery habitat.

Sidney Heitmann - Estimating the above-ground biomass of the mangrove Avicennia marina using UAV-based imagery.

Tegan Lee - Assessing stock and population structure of three sympatric wobbegong shark (Orectolobus spp.) in South East Australia.

Vinuri Silva - First evidence of microplastics presence in Sri Lankan fish and a comparison to the same species in Australia. #MFR

Joseph Widdrington - The presence of microplastics in pelagic fish species of southern Australia.


Nikita Pring - Microplastics in marine sediment.

Koster Sarakinas - Analysing population structure and connectivity through otolith chemistry of stout whiting, Sillago robusta. # FME vol 29, 760-773


Jackson Stockbridge Quantifying mangrove condition in South Australia, and the effect on fish assemblages.

Nina Wootton - Quantifying fish assemblages in South Australian marine protected areas.


Yuexiao (Mandy) Shao - Calcium and strontium isotope constraints on water mixing, carbonate fluxes and fish migration in the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia. # GCA vol 239, 90-108


Briony Chamberlayne - Late Holocene seasonal and multicentennial hydroclimate variability in the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia: evidence from stable isotopes and trace element profiles of bivalve molluscs.


James Walker - Partial migration in the Coorong population of greenback flounder.



Kiana Day - Palaeoclimatology potential of the Australian floodplain mussel.


James Devenport - The effects of habitat degradation on early life history growth and reproduction in Galaxias olidus.


Jasmin Martino - Impact of elevated carbon dioxide on otolith composition and morphometrics. # JEMBE vol 495, 57-64


Matt McMillan - Vertebral chemistry to assess stock structure and population connectivity in a deep-sea shark. # IJMS vol 74, 793-803



Alyssa Giannoni - The effects of female size and age on the reproductive output of southern garfish.


Danielle Manetti - Use of bivalve shells as environmental indicators. # PPP vol 84, 89-96

Adam Schultz - The contribution of water to strontium and barium concentrations in the otoliths. # JFB vol 86, 1680-1698


Talia Wittmann - Application of sclerochronology to assess climate-growth relations in pinnipeds. # MB vol 163, 71


Kayla Gilmore - Determining environmental histories of freshwater fish using otolith chemistry.


Janelle Albertson - Factors influencing condition indices of golden perch.


Aaron Cosgrove-Wilke - Stable isotope analysis of beaks of cephalopods for inferring trophic structure.


Matthew Lloyd - Spatial variation in growth of snapper in South Australian gulf waters.


Rupert Mathwin - Using otolith strontium and barium to trace diadromy.


Simon Webb - Sources of otolith barium and strontium in black bream. # MEPS vol 453, 189-199


Morgan Disspain - Archaeological otoliths to determine palaeoenvironmental change & Ngarrindjeri resource use. # JAS vol 38, 1842-1857


Thomas Barnes - Effects of marine and hypersaline environments on element:calcium ratios in otoliths of two species.


Michael Decelis - A laboratory evaluation of a novel push trap for common carp. # MFR vol 61, 42-48


Jackie Dupavillon - Impacts of seawater desalination on giant Australian cuttlefish. # MER vol 67, 207-218



Ruan Gannon - Differences between fish assemblages of open and closed estuaries on Kangaroo Island.


Koral Hunt - Validating age in southern calamary. # JMBAUK vol 91, 857-863


Felicity McGovern - Effect of hypersalinity on otolith composition of the small mouthed hardy head.


Leanne Trott - Use of statoliths of prehatchling and hatchling giant Australian cuttlefish as natural tags. # GCA vol 101, 12-23


Phillipa Wilson - Interactions between an introduced predator and a small-bodied native fish. # SARDI Research Report Series 267



Nicholas Payne - Assemblages of fish along a mangrove-mudflat gradient in temperate Australia. # MFR vol 60, 1-13


Erin Sautter - Patterns in diversity and abundance of fish among estuaries on the Fleurieu Peninsula.



Katherine Cheshire - Otolith chemistry to track movements of a diadromous fish. # ASFB Conference Proceedings



Melita de Vries - Strontium facilitates barium uptake into fish otoliths. # GCA vol 69, 4061-4072


Jodie Haig - Reproductive biology and larval development of the featherstar Aporometra wilsoni. # Invert Biol vol 131, 235-243


Justin Rowntree - Patterns of species richness and abundance of fish in South Australian estuaries.



Brett Evans - Growth and condition of juvenile snapper.


Tanya Joyce - Distinguishing aquaculture and wild yellowtail kingfish via natural and artificial elemental signatures in otoliths. # MFR vol 56, 693-704



Ali Bloomfield - Fish and invertebrate assemblages in seagrass, mangrove, saltmarsh and unvegetated habitats. # Estuaries vol 28, 63-77



Travis Elsdon - Interactive effects of salinity and temperature on otolith chemistry. # CJFAS vol 59, 1796-1808


Published paper associated with research project

Near Calperun Station, SA

Near Calperun Station, SA

Giant Australian cuttlefish

Giant Australian cuttlefish

Flinders Chase

Flinders Chase

Tourville Bay

Tourville Bay

Streaky Bay

Streaky Bay

Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island

Routeburn Track

Routeburn Track

White Island

White Island

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