Our publications from 2021 and 2022
The lab had some great publications in 2021 and 2022 - below are the word cloud summaries for each year. Some of the highlights: First...
Covid impacts continued through 2021
COVID-19 came in 2020 and continued through 2021 and likely also 2022! Universities around the world have seen some significant changes....
COVID Conferences: A student’s perspective of the World Fisheries Congress
Although I’m in the first year of my PhD and still getting to know the lay of the land in a research setting, I consider myself a...
Fishing for solutions to the marine plastic problem
Plastic pollution has increased significantly in recent decades, and its presence in the marine environment has increased alongside this....
Tracking metabolic rates in fish using biominerals
Animals require energy for all life functions. Energy reflects rates of chemical and physiological processes inside their bodies and...
Crossing the border for plastic pollution
By Nina Wootton, PhD candidate The first three months of 2019 saw me be lucky enough to travel and live at the University of South...
Uncovering long-term growth histories in fishery species
Growth rates in fish are a fundamental predictor of population size, productivity and mortalities. Faster growth rates increase the size...
January 2019 news update
I hope everyone had a happy xmas and a safe and relaxing break. There are lot’s of congratulations to be had. Congratulations to Kayla...
Isotopes could be pleiads
Two men vied to name stable forms of elements with differing masses (e.g. 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb). Today we know these are not different...
November 2018 news update
Congratulations to our latest Honours students who have submitted their Honours theses and presented seminars to the Department. Koster...