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September 2016

Several of us (Kayla Gilmore and Bronwyn Gillanders) are heading to Hobart to the Australian Society for Fish Biology conference. Kayla will be giving a presentation on her PhD research investigating acclimation in response to long-term effects of hypoxia and temperature on freshwater fish. She will also give a rapid student talk following her entry in the ASFB Student Science Communication Awards (now closed) titled “Fish drowning in water”. Bronwyn Gillanders will give two presentations: one titled “Fish as proxies of ecological and environmental change” (see also the groups recent paper of the same name) and another titled “Developing knowledge and tools to inform integrated marine management: Spencer Gulf as an Australian case study”. We will also exhibit a poster on our recent strontium isotope research. The poster is titled “Evaluating the use of strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) to unravel habitat use and life history movements of estuarine and freshwater fish in SA estuaries”.

Towards the end of September the ICES Annual Science Conference will occur in Riga, Latvia. There is a day and a half of talks in a theme titled “Looking backwards to move ahead – how the wider application of new technologies to interpret scale, otolith, statolith and other biomineralised age-registering structures could improve management of natural resources” There will be three talks from the Gillanders Aquatic Ecology lab by each of Jasmin Martino, Zoe Doubleday and Bronwyn Gillanders.

  • Zoe Doubleday, John Cliff, Chris Izzo, Bronwyn Gillanders, Biogenic carbonate records environmental variation in sulfur isotopes

  • Jasmin Martino, Zoe Doubleday, Anthony Fowler, Bronwyn Gillanders, Validating the relationship between metabolic rate and otolith carbon isotopes in an iconic Australian fish species

  • Bronwyn M. Gillanders, Christopher Izzo, Zoe A. Doubleday, Morgan C. F. Disspain Environmental reconstructions from fish otoliths indicate change over decadal and centennial time scales

The students from the New Colombo plan trip to China and Hong Kong have completed their pre, mid and post tour blogs along with short videos. These are available for viewing at the following website.

We are also excited to announce that we were just awarded funding through the New Colombo plan to take a group of undergraduate students to Timor Leste next year.

The following PhD project is currently available in the Gillanders Aquatic Ecology lab: Connectivity of mulloway between estuaries and trawling grounds. This is a collaborative project between the University of Adelaide and NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries. The student would be expected to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award or Divisional Scholarship. More information can be found here.

There are also a number of Honours projects available for commencement in 2017.

  • Historical ecology of Murray cod

  • Using baited remote underwater videos to survey fish assemblages

  • Correlating marine soundscapes to stressor gradients

  • Effects of climate change and fisheries on cephalopods

  • Using shark teeth to trace environmental conditions

Near Calperun Station, SA

Near Calperun Station, SA

Giant Australian cuttlefish

Giant Australian cuttlefish

Flinders Chase

Flinders Chase

Tourville Bay

Tourville Bay

Streaky Bay

Streaky Bay

Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island

Routeburn Track

Routeburn Track

White Island

White Island

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