May news update
Well it has been a busy past month! The International Otolith Symposia, held every 4 years, occurred in Taiwan in April. The lab had numerous past or present members presenting including Drs Chris Izzo and Ben Walther giving keynote presentations. Also attending were Jasmin, Troy, Patrick and Bronwyn. The current cohorts talks were on:
Stable carbon isotopes as metabolic biomarkers
Fine-scale temporal changes in otolith microstructure and chemistry expose the early life history of a coastal southern Australian finfish
Elements in otoliths as environmental proxies: A meta-analysis
Reconstructing life history migrations across freshwater-estuarine-marine ecosystems: filling the gaps of mark recapture information with an otolith chemistry approach
It was great to catch up with otolith researchers from around the world. Besides the talks and IOS social functions highlights included the fish market in Keelung, night markets in Taipei, Keelung and Beitou, and mineral springs in Beitou.
Lots of workshops and conferences happening this last month. The biennial NRM conference was held in early April. There were a number of presentations featuring the lab’s research. Congratulations to Alice who won the best graphical abstract for her work on cumulative impacts in Spencer Gulf. Bronwyn also attended an integrated marine workshop in Hobart where one of the case studies related to our Spencer Gulf research.
The annual third year Freshwater Ecology field camp occurred in April. This year we focused on activities around physiology, behavior and spatial ecology in relation to environmental stressors. Besides research, a highlight was seeing the moon rise one evening! Bronwyn is teaching these students over the next 4 weeks.
Jackson has spent three weeks out in the field with EPA scientists collecting data to compare ecosystem condition based on field data to compare to cumulative impact scores. A summary of his field trip is available in the news.
We have several new papers just accepted. These include:
Disspain et al. (2018) Long-term archaeological and historical archives for mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicas, populations in eastern South Australia. Fisheries Research
Doubleday et al. 2018. Untapping the potential of sulfur isotope analysis in biominerals. Marine Ecology Progress Series (prepress abstract)
McMillan et al. 2018. Natural tags reveal populations of Conservation Dependent school shark use different pupping areas. Marine Ecology Progress Series (prepress abstract)
Schilling et al. 2018. Evaluating estuarine nursery use and life history patterns of Pomatomus saltatrix in eastern Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series (prepress abstract)