Secret lives of fish
Fish have secret lives in complex three-dimensional environments. Yet biologists need a careful understanding of population...
October 2018 news update
Well it’s been a while since I updated this page and a lot has happened! Another graduation ceremony has occurred – congratulations to...
Time to tide up - Fishing debris in Australian oceans
Lost and discarded fishing gear has been an international environmental issue for over 50 years. Globally, over 6.4 million tonnes of...
June 2018 news update
Congratulations to Jacob who was awarded the Michael Smyth Memorial Prize for the highest achieving Honours student studying an...
Hypoxia and fish
Oxygen concentrations in our waters are declining. Since biological and geochemical processes depend on oxygen this decline is...
Tales of fish from ear bones and historical archives
The term shifting baseline was first used by the fisheries researcher Daniel Pauly in 1995 (Pauly 1995) to describe the way in which...
What's in a fish ear bone
Did you know that fish have ear bones that provide scientists with a wealth of information. They are also used for jewellery (see left...
May news update
Well it has been a busy past month! The International Otolith Symposia, held every 4 years, occurred in Taiwan in April. The lab had...
Spencer Gulf - Assessing cumulative impacts
Management of marine areas is often based on the effect of individual stressors. The cumulative impact caused by multiple stressors is...
April news update
It’s been a busy few months with Honours and PhD students starting, first semester teaching commencing and grant application season!...